Thursday, 6 March 2014

Get On The Right Bus (1)

......if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.

In a bid to get to work on time, Zoey jumped onto the first available bust at the Bus Park. She had woken up 30 minutes later than usual that Monday morning and was certain that she would miss her 7.30am resumption deadline if she does not attach herself to a moving bus right away. She could not care less that the one she had boarded wold not take her normal route which was shorter and faster; all she wanted at that moment was to be on a moving bus!

45 minutes later, the driver announced that he would be turning back two stops away from her normal stop. Hence, she became stranded as she found herself in an unfamiliar environment. It took another 20 minutes to gather herself and locate another bus that would take her to where she was going, but at this point, she had lost so much time. She eventually arrived at work at 8.10am, and spent the rest of the day lamenting the woes that befell her that morning.

What went wrong? She boarded a bus on time, and yet was late to work.
In truth, she did everything right except that she that the bus she boarded was not the right one. A little more focus and patience would have gotten her to the office not only earlier, but more composed that morning!
In life, we often found ourselves in a hurry, perhaps because we suddenly wake up to realise that time had passed us by, and we need a lot of catching up to do. We are a few years behind the time we should have gotten married; we should have gotten a job 5 years earlier; we should have built that mansion 3 years back; we should have had that baby 6 years ago! Because of this time lag,, it is natural for us to want to rush things just to get to that destination we felt we should have been earlier, and so we accept anything that comes our way so long as there is a promise to get us there.

It is not a problem for anyone to run late. The question is “is the bus we’re on is going in the right direction?”.

At the beginning of this year, many of us wrote New Year resolutions as usual.

These resolutions represent the destination we intend to get to at the end of the year. But again, I ask; are you on the right bus,? Will the bus you’re on right now get you to that destination at the end of this year? Will your present actions and habits get you the desired results? What do you feed your mind with daily? be continued.

Sunday, 12 January 2014


Change is the only constant thing in this life. Right from the time we were born, change (both physical and mental) is one thing that has kept us relevant in the scheme of things. First, a child learns to mimic a smile before he learns what a smile really means. He giggles when he is exited. He makes cooing sounds when he is contented. He belches when he is full.....after nine to twelve months; he learns to walk….and afterwards, jump, run, dance etc. All these are fun for the child who is just discovering the beautiful world he was born into a short while ago. All these are also learning processes through which the child acquires skills he would need all through his lifetime.
It has been said that most people spend their adult life defending what they already know. That is the mistake a lot of people make as learning in reality never stops. Learning is a lifelong process which requires that we constantly shed or update (as the case may be) old information, beliefs and even lessons in order to embrace new ones. That is the only way anyone can remain relevant despite the passage of time.
As we grow older, we become more responsible for our own personal growth and development. The onus then falls on us to ensure that we acquire the right skills/information that will enable us to stay relevant in the new age. This goes beyond a new academic degree…as a matter of fact; degrees only contribute about 50% of the skills you need to stay relevant. Much of what you need can only be gotten outside of the classroom i.e:
i.                    Networking
ii.                  Books
iii.                Journals
iv.                 Training courses. Etc.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not insinuating that experience is important, neither am I encouraging you to do away with what you know is right. However, most of the knowledge we acquire today have a lifespan of about one year or less (given that we are in the information age). It therefore becomes imperative for anyone who wishes to remain relevant in this time and age to always be on the move in terms of learning.
You would find it surprising that the term backwardness and retrogression is no longer taken to mean that one is taking backwards steps. In contemporary times, it refers to anyone who is not taking a forward step. Normally, in a race, if you are not moving forward, you would remain on the same spot while others would have gone ahead. Hence when your situation is assessed alongside that of your peers who have gone ahead, you can be said to have retrogressed simply because you have not moved from the same spot. The same applies to our daily lives as you pursue your career, family, wealth, and other personal aspirations.
Remember, the key to relevance is to constantly learn and relearn, for the day we stop learning is the beginning of the end.

Have a great year ahead!